Early anniversary

Sorry for the late update on my blog, had a few problems with my computer. Charles very lovingly spent time on fixing it for me, while I was away at Dikhololo with my Mom, Matt and Ethan. But let’s start at the beginning of August…

We decided to go away early this year for our 5th anniversary as we won’t be able to go in November due to me being pregnant and my due date a bit of a ‘wild card’.
My mother very kindly and generously helped us to find and book a mid-week at Dikhololo for the second week of August (instead of our anniversary in November), and I was blessed again by her generosity by being invite to go back with her for the week after that with just the boys. (As Charles had to go back to work and Mathias couldn’t get leave)
It’s always difficult to enjoy a holiday with Kids that are sick and it being winter and all our boys decided that the two holidays (Verloorenkloof and now Dikhololo) that we were on they had to get sick. I’m starting to think they get home sick, or their immune systems are down when we are away.
We stayed in a 6 sleeper at the Lion Camp, which was nicely positioned and quiet. The boys had their own room upstairs with creaky floor boards, (So when M@ fell out of his bed in the middle of the night we heard a big bang and then crying) as our room was right below theirs. We had lovely warm weather and were in our summer gear, we were off to the pool each morning after Peethie’s nap. M@ managed to ride his little black bike all the way to the pool. (About 1km away) But the water was freezing, that never stopped the kids from putting their feet in the baby pool. First splash of the season. (Can’t wait for it to be summer and we can swim in our new pool at home…) Charles had decided that Ethan had out grown the name Peethie and I have to call Ethan by his name. Easier said than done, but by the end of the week I got the hang of calling Peethie, Ethan.
We really enjoyed the game drives and watch the boys get excited to see Giraffe, Impala, Blesbuck, Zebra, Waterbuck, Impala, Guinea fowl, Rock rabbits, Impala, Mongoose, Kudu, Impala, Eland, wildebees, sable antelope and did i mention the Impala, we even saw cows. Charles started a braai and started to collect twigs to burn, it was lots of fun to watch Mattie and Daddy finding sticks in the rough of the bush to add to the braai, we had lovely boery rolls. (Thanks Love, you guys did a great job) Matt was eating his roll when the birds started to feed off his crumbs; we had about 3 Hornbills come visit, some Loerie and others. (unnamed) There were signs all over the Main Complex, warning people to not feed the Kudus and to treat all wild animals as dangerous, but these signs were in Afrikaans, so my darling husband (Bless him) never read them… So you can guess what happens next… Charles took Matt in the twin pram for a run the one morning to let me sleep in, and came across some Kudu. Yip! He fed a kudu an apple. Later he heard that someone got reprimanded for feeding them as they have to kill these beautiful animals when they get to tame as they get violent and dangerous. (Oops.)

As the water was extremely cold, ( Charles did take a dip after his run the one morning, Crazy Guy!) due to it still being winter we went to their heated pools, the boys loved it, but it was really, really cold to get out afterwards. (Seemed a bit cruel)
I really enjoyed to see how the boys are becoming best friend, now that Peethie, i mean Ethan can walk, they can play so nicely, Matt was always looking out for P.. Ethan.


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